Mind the Gap

I’m really into the colours of the sky and amping things up to the max in this one.

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Clevedon is a “classy” Victorian seaside resort in North Somerset. The “beach” is a rocky bank on the Severn Estuary. That said, it has a beautiful Victorian pier – no arcades, or Punch and Judy!

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Plein Air in Falmouth

I bought a mobile (ish) easel and had my first stab at plein air painting and what a lesson it was! I picked a spot with a lot of interest (too much!) and got set-up… it was quite grey and I hoped it would be a quiet spot… how wrong I was! I bought myself…

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Stokes Croft

This is StinkFish‘s iconic piece at Stokes Croft. I worked on this street for about half a year, just behind the traffic light actually… I’m going to paint this on a different format than the recent paintings, the interest here is the colour and shape. First things first – get things layed out! This is…

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Graffiti and Bridge

The journey of a painting… graffiti and suspension bridge. Thesteps I take and decisions and mistakes I make along the way.

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Portishead Marina

I took a photo of the Marina back in January 2022. It was a cold and crisp day, but it was still and the light was amazing… I obviously had to paint it. Everything started out with getting the layout sorted – a job requiring wine! I got the palette knife out for the first…

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Landscape Artist, based in Bristol, UK